Western Europe – 2004 and 2005

As soon as I finished my undergraduate double degree, my number one priority was to travel and to see India and Western Europe. It took me a little time to save some funds, but I had a great opportunity to temporarily transfer to London with the technology company I was with – it was the perfect launching pad to kick starting my backpacking career.


  • Living and working in London (Wimbledon) for 9 months – many weekend trips around the countryside to various historical sites.
  • One month in Snowdonia, Wales – at a Yoga Center (Dru Yoga) was a special time, meeting people from around the world who came to Wales to study Yoga.
  • Week long trips to Scotland, Spain, and the Netherlands.
  • 3 week Top Deck tour around Western Europe – only skimming the surface but a great way to get a tiny taste of some of Europe’s great Cities, including Rome, Paris, Monaco, Amsterdam, etc.


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