Open Data Connect exists to connect different parts of the data sharing ecosystem together.
As any data scientist will tell you – the value of data is contextual. A piece of data in isolation without context or other data will not be of much value to anyone. Likewise with organisations attempting to understand the new data revolution – acting in isolation may impede the impact you are able to make.
We believe that data should be used for the greater public benefit. Collaboration, understanding, and sharing are powerful approaches that will generation the most significant and long lasting impacts.
The emerging data ecosystem is both dynamic and incredibly complex. Many emerging data issues go beyond mere technological questions, into questions on society, and individuals’ values and priorities.
For the greatest public benefit to be achieved – it is essential that the needs and motivations of various stakeholder groups are understood and balanced against each other.
Open Data Connect is an affiliation network co-ordinated by Julian that is currently building connections with key components across the data sharing ecosystem. If you would like more information – please contact: julian at
[Update Sept 14: what this space for some exciting announcements coming soon!]
Current questions that we are actively exploring:
Public Data & Open Data
- The benefits (and risks) to society and how to measure these.
- Balancing the need for privacy and security against other needs such as the need for accessibility, and availability.
- Incentivising agencies and organisations to share their data.
- Empowering intermediaries to add value to public data.
- Consolidation of best practice frameworks for data strategy, governance and risk management.
- Data as an Asset – How does it differ to other asset classes. Implications for governance, risk management, accounting standards, mergers and acquisitions.
The power of crowds and technology to solve public policy problems
- How can mass collaboration platforms be used to help solve public policy problems?
- Success factors underpinning Wikipedia, OpenStreetMap and citizen science platforms. For example why do so many people volunteer time to support these?
- Please feel free to connect – julian at